Stop investing money in products and services that don’t deliver value. Our proprietary Dust vs Gold Analysis methodology identifies high-performing products by looking at audience, usage, and satisfaction. You’ll come away with a suite of products that you can be confident will serve your members and customers well—and sunsets products no longer of value.
Building community requires understanding the needs, wants and desires of your members – and potential “customers.” We’ll explore how you’re perceived, how much you’re trusted, and how successful your value proposition is – by segment to understand them. From there, we customize a plan to bolster your strengths, address areas of improvement, and explore new potential member and customer groups.
The marketplace continues to change; your members’ needs continue to evolve. Member needs are in constant flux and your offerings need to adapt as well. By studying how your members interact with your association—and what they go to others for—we can help identify products that position you as an indispensable resource. Because your members have more choices than ever, we conduct market research to better understand what is important to them and identify ways to bring them into your ecosystem—and out of your competitors’.
Every association is different, and one-size-fits-all solutions won’t cut it. Talk to us about the particular challenges you’re facing. We have the investigative experience and knowledge to gather targeted, reliable data that helps you plan your next move.